

Retirement Planning

Building a financially secure future.

What are the benefits of
a Retirement Plan?


Gain clarity about your current financial situation and realistic expectations for the future.


Increase your confidence with a personalized roadmap that can be adjusted as your circumstances change.

Peace of mind

Provide peace of mind that comes from being better prepared which reduces stress associated with managing wealth.

Tax Optimization

Implement tax optimization strategies to reduce your tax bill throughout your journey and upon death.

Planning your retirement
doesn’t have to be stressful

Rest easy with our tailored retirement planning process that will ensure your needs are met and that you’re free to enjoy what you like to do most.

Here's what we'll do


Together we’ll clarify your current personal and financial situation, establish your aspirations and dreams, define your short and long-term goals and priorities.

We'll gather all of the facts about your financial life: income, spending, saving, investment accounts, real estate assets, business benefits, family situation – all of it.


We'll build out a plan for you that takes into account everything in your life. We’ll consider ‘’what if?’ scenarios to cover all angles, and you’ll receive a report detailing your financial journey.

We'll present the plan to you and provide recommendations on investing, savings, tax planning, insurance, work benefits, and estate planning.


We'll implement the recommendations including managing your investments. These services are provided through PEAK Securities inc.

We'll monitor, adjust and update continuously as your circumstances evolve and identify progress toward goals and adjust as necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much money do I need to retire?
The amount of money you need to retire really depends on your lifestyle. In very general terms, it is estimated that the average person needs about 70% of their pre-retirement income to maintain their current lifestyle. Because each person's situation is unique, each person's actual need is different, so there is no simple answer. However, by carefully understanding your financial situation and the lifestyle you want to live in retirement, we can help you achieve your retirement goals by putting together a personalized plan that will get you where you want to go.
What risks can affect my retirement plan?
Running out of money is one of the biggest concerns of people entering retirement. The following 6 key risks must be kept in mind: longevity, inflation, asset allocation, withdrawal rate, health care cost and taxes.
Whatever the situation—we’re here to help find solutions to mitigate those risks and we’ll modify the plan accordingly to make sure your financial needs are always met.
When should I start my retirement planning process?

It’s never too early to start planning for retirement! Start saving as soon as your first paycheck, even if you start with a modest amount: it will allow you to take advantage of the power of compounding, giving your investments more time to grow. Starting early provides more flexibility and can potentially lead to a more comfortable and stress-free retirement. Once the plan is implemented, we’ll review it together regularly to make sure that everything is on track, adjusting along the way if necessary.

When is the best time to take my QPP/OAS benefits?
At 65, you’ll get 100% of your QPP pension.
It is possible to get it as early as age 60, but you’ll get less: your pension will be reduced by 7.2% per year, so at 60 you’ll get 36% less.
You can also defer it up to age 70 and get more: you get 8.4% more per year, so at 70 your pension will be 42% higher.
The best time to apply for your QPP depends on your personal circumstances, such as your health issues if you may have a reduced life expectancy, your other sources of income, your work situation past 65 and your tax bracket.

OAS is similar—you can receive your full entitlement at 65 or defer up to the age of 70 and receive more: 7.2% per year, so 36% more at 70.
Note that your OAS benefits may be subject to clawback depending on your income, and we offer many strategies to minimize this impact.

We’re here to help chose the best option for your particular situation.